Join the EMP Community
Signing up gives you FREE access to the full Evolving Minds curriculum, including the complete Teacher Guide.
Signup is confidential (your name and email will never be shared) and it just takes a minute!
In addition to free curriculum access, you will receive:
timely notice of new teacher support videos and enhanced storybook videos;
quarterly EMP Update summarizing recent blog posts, classroom tips, and other Community-sourced ideas;
annual post with Director’s thoughts on issues in child development and early science education.
We take your privacy seriously.
We will never sell, trade, or share your email, and you may opt out at any time.
Your contact info is used only to send occasional updates on curriculum enhancements and Community feedback.
You will never receive promotional emails pushing products or paid subscriptions. Our work is shared for free.
We count signups as a key metric of the Project’s impact, but that data is always aggregated and completely anonymous.
If you have any questions or concerns, please share them with us here.
“It’s amazing that this NGSS-aligned curriculum is actually free! It fits so well with our overall science program, and our teachers love it.”
- M.H., District Science Coordinator